MICROSESAME, a user management tool

The Access control system, because it manages people,
rights and identifiers, is a central tool
in Company ID Management.

To optimize site operations, and before choosing any technology, it's important to clearly identify the different populations to be managed, analyze their usage and take into account the company's processes.
This analysis will enable us to define the best Credential(s), the necessary information and how to administer them.
MICROSESAME software enables multi-site, multi-technology, multi-identifier and multi-gateway management, making it a powerful tool for intelligent building operations.

The Site, how it works and your needs

What kind of populations?
Depending on whether it manages members of the organization or outsiders, the system will not use the same Credentials or store the same information (and will have more or less RGPD constraints linked to personal data).

For which data uses?
A single, multi-function badge offers clear advantages for users.
The system will require more accurate information for access control (service, function, grade...) than for Restoration (name or employee ID).
Data exchanges with third-party systems will be required.

How and who will manage this data?
Data management depends on internal organization.
Are there several geographical sites? Managers by functional entity? Validation processes for visitor management?

Three main corporate applications

Centralized management of credentials and identifiers enables a wide range of uses, not only for access control, but also for third-party departments and personal protection.

Access control & Intrusion

  • Individual profiles and access rights 
  • Visitor and Appointment management and traceability 
  • Areas, flows and quarantines 
  • Intelligent Elevator Management 

Departments & Third-party business applications

  • Restoration and coffee machines 
  • Booking rooms and equipment 
  • Automation & BMS commands (heating, lighting, etc.) 
  • Local authority portals (waste collection centers, tennis courts, etc.) 

Regulations & personal protection

  • Rights according to accreditation validations  
  • Attendance within the legal resting period 
  • P.O.I. and evacuation assistance 
  • Management of crisis and containment levels  

User data management

Which data?

The MICROSESAME access control system will gather 3 types of data to identify, classify and authenticate users:

- Basic personal information: surname, first name, photo, e-mail, telephone... and for visitors, sometimes even ID documents, in compliance with RGPD.

- Functional information: Department, function, accreditations, validity dates... and everything you need to define user profiles and rights.

- Electronic Credentials: whether RFID badge IDs, keyboard codes, QR codes, virtual badges, license plates, etc., the system can handle multiple technologies.

What sources, what management?

The data centralized by MICROSESAME can be both internal and external:

 - As the Access control system is the central database, manual entries or flat imports can of course be carried out at any time.

 - Synchronization with HR databases or the company's LDAP/AD directory is ideal for greater efficiency, saving time and reducing errors (no double entry).
Several import gateways with several reference databases can be envisaged, based on a uniqueness datum per user (e.g. Employee ID).

 - Exchanges (in both directions) with third-party business applications are also facilitated by MICROSESAME's webservices (API REST).
For example, for external contractors (visitor management, logistics software, etc.) or the general public (local authority database, transport management, etc.).

Would you like to find out more about our MICROSESAME system?