Centralized building supervision with MICROSESAME

An integrated tool to make buildings smarter

Why centralize safety functions?

Three major advantages
MICROSESAME supervision is ideal for operators of complex sites, with a large number of access and Intrusion points to monitor, or spread over several buildings.
 It offers three major advantages:

  • Bringing together all security functions in a single interface for faster, more efficient processing.

  • Make buildings more intelligent through automations, technical management systems (e.g. lighting up an area on detection of an intrusion) or specific business applications.

  • Optimize maintenance and knowledge of the site and its uses.

The integrated MICROSESAME management system will make it easier to monitor essential information and "pilot" buildings by guiding operator actions.
Centralized information also helps decision-making and highlights useful indicators.

  • Customized, unifying graph views 
  • Ergonomic Real time feed event monitors
  • Customizable HMI for each Operator or according to context (e.g. day/night modes)

  • Real-time remote command 
  • Automated scenario settings 
  • Display of Instructions to Operators according to Events

  • Real-time display of connected equipment status 
  • Predictive end-of-life equipment alarms 
  • Reports and statistics 

  • Reports and regular measurement of key indicators for managers 
  • Flow and behavior analysis using all the data contained in MICROSESAME

Connectors and the TIL ecosystem

Whether through SDK integration, IT gateways or webservices exchanges, TIL TECHNOLOGIES's numerous connectors make it one of the most open security supervision systems on the market today. 

IT Gateways

MICROSESAME is natively open to Webservices and Syslog exchanges, at no extra cost.
 However, MICROSESAME offers a number of paid gateways for communicating with certain business software applications, sometimes outside the safety field:

  • Gateways for importing or exporting Users/Credentials in CSV format
  • Generic text Gateway ASCII - IP
  • LDAP/LDAPS gateway to customer's A.D.
  • Paserelle Modbus - IP
  • Paserelle OPC UA Server...

Natively integrated connectors

To easily supervise and operate certain third-party security functions (such as perimeter detection, Intercom or video), specific native connectors are available in MICROSESAME, for a fee, for certain specific brands.
These integrated connectors are pre-configured and allow the use of "objects/properties" adapted to the exchanges and interactions available between MICROSESAME and these systems.
In addition to these specific connectors, it is also possible to create objects/properties with other systems communicating with MICROSESAME via webservices (API REST) or other IT gateways.

Supervision interfaces

The latest versions of MICROSESAME CUBE offer major advances in Graph operation, with automated parameterization and representation of system components.

New HMI for Graph views

MICROSESAME's Synoptic viewer has recently undergone some major changes.

Overall ergonomics have been enhanced by the integration of vector plans with intuitive zooming. Multiple Synoptic views can be displayed on the same screen: 4 and more, depending on your operating needs. 

Alarm handling is intuitive. The Alarm icon contains a counter showing the number of alarms to be processed. The Alarm banner is displayed automatically or not, as required. It is also possible to associate different sounds with alarm categories (depending on their importance, for example). Finally, a Supervision property can be forced in the case of nuisance alarms, for example. 

Various widgets can be embedded anywhere on the screen: real-time camera display, identity of the last person to sign in, summary view of current alarms, etc. 

Supervision objects/properties

Supervision objects are parameter-setting tools that simplify the deployment, operation and supervision of a system's technical components. There are "Door", "Detector", "TILLYS Daemon", etc. objects..
In graphical synoptics, they are represented by dynamic symbols offering status icons (e.g. Door Opened Too Long, link with a Daemon, etc.) or command icons (e.g. remote opening or access blocking). These icons adopt a color according to their status.
The objects provided in MICROSESAME correspond to typical wiring layouts, to facilitate installation.
These objects are fully configurable by integrators, who can also create and reuse their own Supervision objects at will. 
Would you like to find out more about our MICROSESAME system?